Important Message to Club Members and Registrars! | BC Alpine Ski Association

Time is running out to update your Club Contact Information for the “Yellow Pages” in our 2003/2004 edition of the Green Book.

If names, addresses or phone numbers have changed over the last year, please go to and look in “Contacts” then “Club Contacts” to see if your information is current and up-to-date.

To make changes, you will need to get in touch with your Club Registrar, who will use our online system to update the records (REGISTRARS, PLEASE TAKE NOTE).

Even if you have called the BC Alpine office to tell us of a change, you should check the online system, as your Club Registrar is the only one who ever makes changes to that listing, and that is where our information for the Green Book comes from. (If you don't know who your registrar is, you can call Keven in the office at 604-737-3070)

You can look forward to receiving your shiny new copy of this year's Green Book at the Kamloops AGM in October!