All K1, K2 and Junior racers, who will be competing in any event this season, must have a competitor card. The deadline for competitor registration is December 1, 2003. On December 2nd, BC Alpine will be forwarding to Stat-Timing, the names and completed ACA forms for submission on the National Points list. Clubs registering their athletes for a competitor card must have all the forms in to the BC Alpine office (306-1367 West Broadway, Vancouver, V6H 4A9) by December 1, 2003.
The clubs must also go onto our Online Club Management data base to renew the athletes that will be competing this season, delete athletes not requiring competitor cards and add new competitor card holders. This can be done by your club registrar.
The online database can be found at (see link above). Go to “Resources” and simply click “Club Registration Login”. Enter your dedicated club password and complete your club registration. We will forward the BC athletes names to Stat-Timing ONLY after we have received the signed ACA registration form AND the athletes' names have been submitted on line in the Club Online Database System.
If parents or athletes have any questions, please contact your club. If the clubs have any questions please contact Keven at