BC takes Alpine Canada's Volunteer and Club of the Year Awards! | BC Alpine Ski Association

Ken Read, Mike Barnard and Brent Kehl - Cypress Ski Club receives ACA's Club of the Year 2004 Award.
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Bruce Holliday, 2004 Alpine Canada Volunteer of the Year, with Bruce Hamstead, ACA Race Quality Coordinator.
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Congratulations to Bruce Holliday of Vernon BC! Holliday is the 2004 recipient of Alpine Canada's prestigious “Volunteer of the Year” award. Also honoured Friday at the ACA “Awards of Excellence Gala” in Edmonton was the Cypress Ski Club, represented by Program Director Brent Kehl of Vancouver and Club President Mike Barnard of North Vancouver. The Cypress Ski Club was presented with Alpine Canada's “Club of the Year” award for 2004.

Bruce Holliday's unyielding dedication to improving the quality of BC Alpine's programs has made him an example to all volunteers and is the reason he is being recognized by Alpine Canada as Volunteer of the Year. Here are just a few examples of his contributions over the last several years: