Employment Opportunities | BC Alpine Ski Association

This is an Adobe Acrobat file, and can be opened by any computer with the Adobe Acrobat Reader (www.adobe.com) installed Sit Ski Coach and This is an Adobe Acrobat file, and can be opened by any computer with the Adobe Acrobat Reader (www.adobe.com) installed Sea-to-Sky Coach are key positions within the Adaptive Alpine Ski Integrated Performance System in British Columbia. 
This is an Adobe Acrobat file, and can be opened by any computer with the Adobe Acrobat Reader (www.adobe.com) installed Member Services Coordinator – Alberta Alpine is seeking a high-energy, organized individual who will be responsible for the administration and communication duties of member services.
To learn about other available positions or to post one of your own, please visit This is a link to a web page. Coaching Job Postings on the  BC Alpine Website.