From an Officials point of view, a busy and informative fall is being prepared. On Sunday, October 15th at the Holiday Inn (711 West Broadway, Vancouver), we are hosting a day-long session for Race Secretaries/Administrators. This in-depth seminar will deal with all the forms necessary to run a race – both FIS and National (Division zone race) – and will include instruction on filling out the forms, which forms apply when and where to send them as well as how to handle results and transmit them to FIS and National Points. This seminar will be led by the USSA’s Thelma Hoessler and will provide tips on how to prepare for the Race Secretary position and how to get organized for the task. Attendees will receive all the latest forms on a CD. To register for Race Secretary Seminar, please contact Bruce Holliday. Cost for the day, including lunch, is $40.00.
Our annual TD Update is also taking place on Sunday, October 15th at the Holiday Inn in Vancouver. This is a MUST for all TD’s wishing to have an assignment this year, as well as all TD candidates. Registration should be directed to Pete Engstad. AGENDA
Other Important Dates:
– Sunday, November 5th – Interior TD Update, Sa-Hali Secondary in Kamloops (contact Pete Engstadto register) AGENDA
– Saturday, October 28 and Sunday, October 29 – Level 3 Officials Course at Sa-Hali Secondary in Kamloops. This course has been scheduled to try to accommodate everyone province-wide who is interested in obtaining their Level 3 (contact Mark Armourwith questions and registrations)
For anyone aspiring to upgrade their skills and knowledge in preparation for 2010, there are races in BC this year which are preliminary to accomplishing the task. The December Nor Am in Panorama, the February Nor Am at Apex, the March Nor Am in Panorama and the Senior Nationals at Whistler are the specific races one should attend and work at. These races offer more than ample opportunity for experience; remember to watch the BC Alpine website for volunteer sign-up prompts and take advantage! More details will be forthcoming.