BC Alpine AGM This Weekend - Save Time, Pay Online - Coach, TD & AGM Agendas - BC Alpine Ski Association

Please join us at the Holiday Inn, Vancouver Centre (711 West Broadway, Vancouver) on Saturday, October 13th. 

– Registration begins at 7:30 AM (coffee and light breakfast too!)
– Annual General Meeting will start at 8:30 AM
– Cost to attend Saturday’s AGM is $35 (everything is included – even lunch)
– Save time at the door by paying in advance using our secure ONLINE PAYMENT SYSTEM


COACH MEETING AGENDA  (PCC and Coach Meetings on Thursday / Coaches at 8 Rinks on Friday) Cost for coaches meetings is $30.00 for one day or $60.00 for two.  To pay by credit card, you MUST pay ONLINE before attending the meetings.


*TD Update/Timing Seminar – Sunday, Oct. 14 – If you are interested in the Timing Seminar, please send a note to Bruce Holliday at bholliday@telus.net.  Registration will be 8:00 AM, with the session beginning at 8:30 AM. To help offset the costs, a nominal registration fee of $40 will be collected at the door – cash or cheque only please