It’s Official, Ted Spearin of Vernon wins BC Alpine Greenbook Photo Contest | BC Alpine Ski Association

Ted Spearin submitted the photo of his daughter Cassandra (Vernon Ski Club) on behalf of Quick Pics Photography, ( ) with permission from Gavin Crawford, Quick Pics photographer.  The voters chose this image to win the 2008/09 Greenbook Photo Contest by a large margin, awarding it over half of the nearly 600 total votes cast.  The winning shot was taken at the Big White Okanagan Zone Slalom race in January, 2008.

Greenbook Cover 2008

Congratulations Ted and Gavin, and thank you to everyone who voted – we will be sending Ted a beautiful pair of leather Auclair ski gloves embroidered with the BC Alpine logo.  Quick Picks Photography will get the photo credit on the Greenbook cover!

Thanks also for all the fantastic photos that were submitted!  A note to all the photographers out there:  please feel free to post your favourite pictures on our website at anytime – our visitors love to see new photos often.  Click HERE to find out how, or email them to Kathy at