Coaches & Clubs – Dont miss out on 08/09 Coach Professional Development | BC Alpine Ski Association

Don’t miss out on the 2008-2009 Coach Professional Development sessions:

Annual Head Coach PD
Thursday October 2, 2008
Holiday Inn on West Broadway, Vancouver 3:00pm-5pm
(coaches meeting 8 AM to 3 PM, Athletic Taping from 3 PM to 5 PM)
Only 30 spaces are available: Head Coaches, PL and DL coaches running K1 & K2 programs
• “Athletic Taping”- James of and the new owner of the Whistler Creek Athletic Club will also be leading a hands on session on athletic taping for alpine skier

Friday October 3, 2008: Holiday Inn on West Broadway, Vancouver
Group 1: 7:15am-11:30AM (10 people) Group 2: 12:30-4:30 (10 people)
Only 10 spaces are available for each session: Head Coaches, PL and DL coaches running K1 & K2 programs UPDATE – FRIDAY’S PRO D SESSIONS ARE FULL – THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST
• “Sport Readiness”- All sport specific skills are a combination of fundamental movements. Today more & more young athletes are not proficient at these basic movement skills for a variety of reasons. Coaches can help their athletes achieve greater sport success by learning how to assess sport readiness and then fill in the movement gaps. Join strength & conditioning expert Diana to learn more.
Register Immediately: Please email Joanna Magee at your name, contact information and the club program you are working with.

Nancy Greene and E2 Coach Workshop
Saturday October 3, 2008
Holliday Inn Broadway, Vancouver (1pm)
Who should be there? Everyone is welcome and we strongly encourage attendance from all Nancy Greene Head Coaches, Program Directors, E2 Coaches (coaching athletes ages 8-10) and club Nancy Greene chairs or coordinators. The focus of this Workshop will include the following topics:
1. Entry Level season plan and program structure
2. Coach Mentoring
3. AIM 2
4. Athlete development
Please bring your club’s NGSL season plan for E1’s and E2’s (including # of days on snow, # of gate training sessions, # of races), cost of programs and hours or sessions on snow)

Strength and Conditioning Course
October 18-19, 2008
• 2 day CSCF Strength and Conditioning Seminar (CSCF certification pathway for DL and PL coaches )
Location: Vancouver (School gym: TBA) Cost: $200

Please email Joanna Magee at for registration details.
CSCF Facilitator Training

CSCF Facilitator Training
November 16-17, 2008
Apex: Indoor and Outdoor facilitator training
Please register online at:

CSCF Advanced Technical Update & Head Coach PD
November 18-19, 2008
Apex: Indoor and Outdoor training
Please register online at:

CSCF Mentor Training (Head Coaches /NG Director Level 2/ DL or higher that have not taken it)
November 20, 2008
Apex: TBA

Please register online at:

Entry Level CSCF Course and Academies
CSCF Entry Level Course
December 4-6, 2008- Grouse:

December 11-13, 2008-Big White:

December 18-20, 2008-Kimberely:

BC Alpine Entry Level Academies: Open to all NG-E2 coaches working in BC (no cost)
December 7, 2008- Seymour:

December 14, 2008-Big White:

December 21, 2008-Kimberely: