BC Alpine Fitness CD Ready To Ship | BC Alpine Ski Association

Everything your club or coach will need to conduct the BC Alpine Fitness Tests is on this CD including national team, BCST
and BC Alpine field testing protocols as well as other dryland information. Also the new Fitness Database on this website is now available. The website (www.fitness.bcalpine.com) will host all the dryland information and will create reports that will compare clubs fitness levels. It tracks the conditioning status of your athletes and allows us to help you meet your targets and the norms of the provincial and national ski teams. The website will not, however, show individual names but will give the BC clubs the opportunity to measure up against other clubs. BC Alpine plans to recognize the “Best Performers” in the field tests (these names will be posted) while also recognizing the “Most Improved”. To order the BC Alpine Fitness CD simply click on the link and we will get the CD along with an invoice in the mail ASAP.