Reality TV Strikes Risler and Splawinski | BC Alpine Ski Association

On the way to their first World Cup downhill, Sophie Splawinski and Christina Risler got to star in their own slice of reality TV.

A CBC-TV camera followed the young Canadian Alpine Ski Team racers along the early morning trek from their hotel suite to the breakfast table and up the lift for their first World Cup downhill run. They followed workouts and walkabouts, all to bring you the story of two young Canadian women who are competing with the best ski racers in the world.

“We wanted to tell the story of what it's like to be a 17 year-old who, instead of hanging out at the mall on Saturday, is travelling around the world ski racing,” said CBC associate producer Mike Grimes. “I was amazed at how articulate, self-assured and mature they were. They're both smart kids, with a wonderful new fresh outlook that's very positive.”

You can catch this unique feature story during Saturday's broadcast of the Winterstart women's downhill on CBC-TV at 4:30 MST (2:30 EST).