Fortnight Awards Have Arrived - BC Alpine Ski Association

This is a program designed to highlight a series of athletes – coaches – official/volunteers who go that extra mile. These stand-out individuals can be anyone who has contributed to ski racing in British Columbia. They can be an athlete, coach or an official/volunteer and they will now be recognized every two weeks – one fortnight!

There are no hard set rules to follow, except that the athlete, coach, official and volunteer has gone above and beyond the call of duty and is deserving of recognition. Going above and beyond may be an act of good citizenship, a brilliant athletic performance on or off snow or whatever you deem worthy of recognition. BC Alpine will leave the nominating and the reasoning up to you and we will pick the most deserving individual from each category for that fortnight.

Nominations will be compiled at the beginning of each week and the athlete, coach, official and volunteer of the Fortnight will be announced every second Tuesday to coincide with the Bell Mobility Alpine Update.

There are four categories a person can be nominated in:
Athlete of the Fortnight
Coach of the Fortnight
Official of the Fortnight
Volunteer of the Fortnight

BC Alpine encourages and welcomes pictures of the nominated individual. If you can provide a picture, please email the photo to Sue-Lynda (no larger than 250kb @ 72DPI)