Osborne Paradis Mastering Le Massif - BC Alpine Ski Association

CIBC Nor-Am Logo
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Starting the day in 13, Osborne Paradis crossed the line in 9th place; four one-hundredths ahead of Quebec's Francois Bourque.

Canadian Alpine Ski Team athletes David Anderson and Mike Giannelli were on each others heels' finishing fourth and fifth respectively.

Other BC results:
Sean Cochrane (Prince George), 21st
Robbie Dixon (North Vancouver), 24th
Aaron Civitarese (Trail), 31st
Jamie Finlayson (Whistler), 33rd
Graham Kraft (Vernon), 42nd
Dustin Fraser (Quathiaski Cove), 49th
Ben Chaddock (Richmond), 51st
Marcus Waring (North Vancouver), 57th