Live Timing Starts Today at Mars 2004 K2 Nationals | BC Alpine Ski Association

Mars Canadian Juvenile Championships
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Alberta Alpine will be running LIVE TIMING during the Mars 2004 Canadian Juvenile Championships, March 23rd to March 27th, 2004. To follow the live action, just open the link above and click on the Live Results icon. Open this article for a schedule of events.

March 23 11:00 AM MST Women's Super G (Championship)
March 23 12:30 PM MST Men's Super G (Championship)
March 24 11:00 AM MST Women's Super G (Non-Championship)
March 24 12:30 PM MST Men's Super G (Non-Championship)
March 26 10:00 AM MST Women's Giant Slalom
March 26 11:00 AM MST Men's Giant Slalom
March 27 10:00 AM MST Women's Slalom
March 27 11:00 AM MST Men's Slalom