FIS B2B Dryland Camp - BC Alpine Ski Association

FIS B2B Athletes strap on the boxing gloves, Whistler, September 2005
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The girls pack quite a punch too!  FIS B2B, Whistler, September 2005
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The BC Alpine FIS B2B development group recently wrapped up a 4 day fitness camp in Whistler. They were joined for this camp by Dave Ellis (Alpine Canada Director of Sports Science), guest coach Ross Gardner (Vancouver Ski Team Head Coach) and Sport Psychologist Karen McNeill. Goals over the 4 days were to continue to raise the intensity of the group in a strong team environment, to challenge the athletes in new activities and to continue work on mental skills activities.

We got started with a full day of fitness testing. It was great to see all athletes pushing themselves to their maximum capacities. The competitive 'B2B' environment certainly challenges everyone involved to work as hard as they can. Physical testing was followed by a sports psychology session with Karen McNeill and finally a well-deserved team dinner. Day 2 kicked off with 2 hours of serious mountain biking in the morning and a weight-lifting session in the afternoon. The team was also assessed by a sports vision specialist