BC Team Men gain valuable experience on World Cup downhill course - BC Alpine Ski Association

Downhill course sections "Fall Away", "C-Turn" and "Gun Barrel" under azure skies!
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Jump at Lake Louise Downhill - if you blink, you'll miss the racer speeding by!
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The men's BC Ski Team had the privilege of spending last week in Lake Louise during the Men's World Cup event. Along with three Canadian Development Team members, four of our provincial athletes took advantage of an opportunity to forerun the downhill training runs as well as the downhill and super G races. Ben Chaddock (BCST/Whistler Mountain Ski Club), Trevor Conroy (BCST/WMSC), Matt Holler (BCST/WMCS) and Jonathan Hadley (BCST/WMSC) were joined by Brian Bennett (WMSC) and Ben Thomsen (Windermere Valley Ski Club) to open the World Cup course at Lake Louise