BC Athletes Try New Training Facility | BC Alpine Ski Association

First report out of Farnham Glacier by Kelsey Serwa, Women’s BC Ski Team
"The glacier is beautiful! When we first arrived, we had a two hour hike up steep logging roads just to get to the camp. There are waterfalls from the melting glaciers and new crevasses being found every day. We have been getting up at 4:40 AM to take advantage of the early morning conditions. To get to the hill, we have to hike up some rocky terrain for 5 or 10 minutes with all our gear. Once we get on snow, the snow cats pull us up to the top on t-bars for the whole day – about 12 people at a time. We’re finished skiing by about 11:30 AM and we have lunch right away. After lunch (and maybe a little nap) we get busy with dryland training. It stays light out until about 11 PM so it’s hard to fall asleep at 8! The living quarters are really nice – we all have our own single beds and there are clean bathrooms and showers for us to use." (Photos to follow)