Here’s the link to Steve’s gallery of photos from World Cup Panorama
(they are incredible!):
Some instructions from Steve….
Hover your mouse over the right side of photos to bring up a menu that includes:
– viewing photos at different sizes
– viewing info about the photos (e.g. exposure info)
– saving the photos to your hard drive
– ordering prints through the site by mail (from the U.S.)
– click on “slideshow” to view all of the photos as a full-screen slideshow
Everyone is welcome to save/print or otherwise use the photos. The “buy” options only relate to ordering prints through the site – I am not selling these photos.
Most of the files that I’ve uploaded are suitable for printing up to 16×24. (The race action photos were taken from outside the netting at high ISO setting, so they will not come out great if blown up much at all, though. The Invermere ceremony photos are also a little “grainy” because they were shot from a distance w/o flash.) If you really need a larger file than for something, just e-mail me. Enjoy!
~ Steve Hilts, Rossland