Over 200 young racers from the Coast Zone will gather in Whistler this week-end for their first races of the season. To make these races safe, fair and FUN we need your help! A good rule of thumb: for every day your child races, at least one parent should be available to help out. Did you know that it takes well over 50 people each day to ensure the races will even happen? To date we simply do not have enough volunteers lined up to run the races, so we are appealing to you now.
There’s lots of fresh snow in Whistler and we need people to help shovel, rake or slip snow off the race track to keep the ruts from getting too deep. Our goal is to have the track in good shape throughout the races and offer a fair advantage to all the kids. Also, we need people to watch race gates to be sure the racers go through the course in the correct manner. Please plan to spend a day at the races with the Whistler Mountain Ski Club host team so we can guarantee an exciting and successful event!
You’ve heard it before – many hands make light work, the more the merrier! Lunches and lift tickets are provided and there’s a volunteer social on Saturday after Awards.
Please email Irene Whitney at irenewhitney@telus.net to confirm when you can volunteer and what role you would most like to fill.
Thanks in advance!
Irene Whitney, WMSC Alpine Chair
Click HERE for all race details and schedule