J1 High Performance Group Back From Farnham Glacier – New Photos Added | BC Alpine Ski Association

Report from Farnham with the J1 High Performance Team
Camps date: September 8 -17 2008

NEW!  SLIDESHOW with pictures from BC Alpine Coach PL Dumoulin

After two successful training camps at Mt. Hood, Oregon, the athletes had a chance to go to school for a few days and get some homework organized before our departure for Base Camp on Farnham Glacier.  This Farnham camp was the 4th on-snow camp of our preparation phase.  

It was a busy place with the National Snowboard Team, the Jasper Freeride Team and the Saskatchewan Kinder Program all sharing the glacier with us. We also had the good fortune to train next to one of Canada’s great technical skiers; Thomas Grandi has come out of retirement and rejoined the national ski team in preparation for the 2010 Olympic Games. It was wonderful for the athletes to watch Thomas and see how he approaches a training day on and off the snow.

Our on-snow plan was quite simple; get lots of mileage on hard snow. We were lucky with the weather and snow conditions and were able to average 15 to 20 runs a day on our GS boards. We did a lot of free runs and worked hard on solving some technical issues before moving into a gate environment. After 4 good long days of GS training we took a day off to recover and do some homework (some of the girls preferred watching TV!!!).

For the second part of the camp, we set one full GS course with close to 40 gates on perfect snow and terrain to finish off the GS block. Then we switched to Slalom for the final two days and again worked on high volume in a medium difficulty environment to help the athletes gain confidence in the abilities they perfected during their free skiing.

All in all, it was a very successful camp with lots of volume on excellent terrain and snow. We are now ready to go back to school for four weeks and hit the dryland hard one last time before the competitive season starts. Our next on-snow camp will be mid October for two weeks in Colorado.

J1 High Performance Group Athletes and Invitees at Farnham:
Jennifer Meyer – Big White Racers 
Sarah Freeman – Fernie Alpine Ski Team
Jocelyn Ramsden – Whistler Mountain Ski Club
Celine Rytz – Fernie Alpine Ski Team
Spencer Morris – Whistler Mountain Ski Club
Willy Konantz – Whistler Mountain Ski Club
Ford Swette – Whistler Mountain Ski Club
Devin Spence – (Invitee from Big White Racers)
Mackensey Young (Invitee from Fernie Alpine Ski Team)

Report submitted by coaches Pierre Luc Dumoulin and Gregor Druzina – see you at the AGM!