VSC Thanks Those Who Helped Make the K2 Nationals an Award Winning Event | BC Alpine Ski Association

Alpine Canada Race of the Year Award – 2008 K2 Nationals at Silver Star Resort

Thanks from the Vernon Ski Club!

"When the Vernon Ski Club received notice that the 2008 K2 Nationals at Silver Star received the coveted ACA Race Of The Year award we were speechless!" said Garry van Soest K2 Nationals ROC Chair. "The VSC wants to make certain that it recognizes and gratefully thanks all those volunteers from all the clubs across Canada who worked so diligently and our own club alumni who really understand the sport and continue to support the VSC…Thank You!"

"We know that the 2008 ACA Events Calendar was full of very high quality events at Panorama, Whistler, Lake Louise, Apex, Sun Peaks, etc., and every one of our club members is extremely proud that this event at Silver Star was nominated, yet alone awarded" said John Huddart, VSC President. "It is very important to recognize the management and employees of Silver Star Mountain for their commitment, professionalism, and vision. Our club’s relationship with these extraordinary people is built on respect and the highest acumen for the implementation and delivery of Alpine Ski Racing Events. Together we are looking forward to further on-slope enhancements and future events. Thank you ACA and BC Alpine!"