Local sport development funding available for community sport opportunities | BC Alpine Ski Association

On Thursday December 9, the Province of B.C. announced a $100,000 investment in the Local Sport Development Program for 2010-2011. 

2010 Legacies Now is accepting applications for the Local Sport Program Development Fund. We encourage you to distribute this information to your member clubs, association, and community groups, and post a link to the applicable website as noted below.


The press release can be found at http://www2.news.gov.bc.ca/news_releases_2009-2013/2010CSCD0006-001548.pdf


The Local Sport Program Development Fund will provide grants of up to $2,000 to support new and expanded sport participation opportunities initiated within B.C. communities. The deadline for applications is 12 pm (PST) on January 31, 2011.


Applications may be submitted for consideration, individually or in partnership, by community sport groups, municipalities, or Aboriginal Bands and community associations. Programs that directly lead to new individuals participating in organized sport on an ongoing basis are eligible for funding.


For further details, please see the program guidelines and application form online at www.2010legaciesnow.com/local_sport_development_fund/.


The Local Sport Development Fund is supported by the Province of B.C. through the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development.


View projects previously funded by the Local Sport Program Development Fund.