Several communities across the province that service disadvantaged children are in need of winter outdoor clothing which will allow them to participate in snow sports as part of their after school sport programming. The communities are in need of the following items in various children’s sizes (Size 5 for children up to XLarge for youth):
- Ski jackets
- Ski pants
- Rain pants and jackets (waterproof pants and jackets)
- Gloves and mittens
- Winter boots
- Warm sweaters
- Toques
Please send clothing directly to the following contacts:
Haida Gwaii
Attention: Pamela Richardson
Box 25
Tlell, BC
V0T 1Y0
Alert Bay
Attention: Jill Cook
Box 29
Alert Bay, BC
V0N 1A0
250-974-5569 (wk)
Prince George
Alison Thibodeau
Community School Coordinator
2579 Victoria Prince George BC
V2L 2M3
250-562 7201
Milena Gaiga
Sport Consultant
Ministry Community, Sport and Cultural Development, Sport Branch
1st Floor, 800 Johnson St. Victoria, BC V8W 9W3
Phone: 250-356-5183 Fax: 250-356-2842