B.C. HPP skiers on the trip of a lifetime in La Parva, Chile, South America | BC Alpine Ski Association

Photo from BC Alpine website: www.bcalpine.com

After 10 days on snow, and three to come, the province’s best club ski racers are enjoying a culturally-rich, physically-demanding training camp at La Parva, Chile, during the BC Alpine HPP camp.

“We have been pushing the kids hard on snow and they are really bagged,” said Derek Trussler, Big White Racers FIS coach. “This is a great group of kids, all very positive and responsive to Rob (Boyd) and myself. There has been solid improvement and progression from all of them and I think those who haven’t been here before are getting a really great cultural experience.”

Photo from BC Alpine website: www.bcalpine.comAfter a successful slalom block with plenty of volume, preceded by four days of Super-G training at the start of the camp, the group now switches to GS with the intention of completing a “perfect balance” of all around training.

The HPP group has worked alongside the Whistler Mountain Ski Club for the duration of the camp, which has helped create a positive and hands-on environment for the two groups.

“All coaches and athletes are working well together and we’ve been milking some outstanding training conditions (weather and snow),” said Rob Boyd, Athletic Director for the WMSC. “The snow is hard under a layer of med packed fresh from a few days ago. After a few runs and slips we get down to the hard old surface and the kids are able to charge and get good feedback from their skis – especially those on the new dimensions.”

 “We have been emphasising homework every day and time is set aside daily for them to do it.” There is however, limited time in the day with dryland, video and ski prep so it is tough to get it all in.”

The group will conclude the camp with a day spent at a beach front village near Santiago before returning home September 30th.

FOR MORE photos from the camp click here

Photo from BC Alpine website: www.bcalpine.com Photo from BC Alpine website: www.bcalpine.comPhoto from BC Alpine website: www.bcalpine.com