The following is an update to the meeting schedule for BC Alpine Ski Association:
The spring General Meeting and fall AGM will be combined in a single meeting to be held in the fall. The 2014 BC Alpine AGM is scheduled for Saturday, October 4th and will be held at the Coast Capri Hotel in Kelowna. In place of the spring General Meeting there will be full day meetings of the Board of Directors and BC Alpine staff for the purpose of reviewing progress to objectives and establishing new goals and objectives for the coming year. These will be communicated to the clubs and members, and certain elements will be presented in greater detail during the AGM.
BC Alpine Athlete Bursaries will still be announced and awarded in May. Other awards and recognitions will be announced at an Awards Banquet at Kelowna’s Bohemian Café on Friday, October 3rd.
Coaches will continue to meet twice per year, spring and fall. Feedback from these sessions will be communicated to the Board of Directors and incorporated into plans, goals and objectives where appropriate.
These changes are driven by the strategic plan and the trend to increased transparency, and will enable stronger support of clubs and members. As in the past, clubs and members may continue to communicate directly with BC Alpine staff and Board members on matters of interest or those of a more timely nature.
Please stay tuned for more details and feel free to contact Kathy at regarding any questions about these changes.
Hugh MacNaught
BC Alpine Chair