Apex Ski Club hosts Rio Tinto Alcan NGSL Okanagan Zone Dual Slalom | BC Alpine Ski Association

Photo from BC Alpine website: www.bcalpine.com

We had a fantastic race this weekend!  It can be seen what a great community is being built, with skiers of all ages and levels competing with smiles on their faces. High fives, pats on backs and positive comments were observed everywhere. In total we had 120 athletes competing, from U12 down to U6. Apex Ski Club skiers were joined by Okanagan Zone's Big White Racers, Harper Mountain Ski Club, and Coast Zone's Manning Ski Club. The weather cooperated with some fresh snow over a solid base, so a great time was had by all, with every competitor walking away with a medal and a cookie.

Report submitted by Race Chair, Rejeanne Droppo

Photos courtesly of Barb Haley

Photo from BC Alpine website: www.bcalpine.com

Check out the race results HERE

Photo from BC Alpine website: www.bcalpine.com