BC Alpine 2017 Video Contest
BC Alpine is proud to announce our second annual video contest. This is a great opportunity to showcase our exciting sport and culture. Participation is open to all BC Alpine members (athletes, coaches, families) working individually or as a team.
Submissions should be uploaded to Vimeo or YouTube, and a link emailed to videocontest@bcalpine.com. When uploading please name your video “BCAVC2017 – title of your video.”
Submissions will be judged by a panel of judges selected by BC Alpine. Prizes of $750, $500 and $250 will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries. Entry deadline is April 5th, 2017.
Judging Criteria:
- Videos will be judged based on their ability to highlight the joys and thrills of ski racing in an engaging, creative, fun and inspiring way. Your video should embrace everything that ski racing means to you!
Contest Details:
– Entry deadline is April 5th, 2017
– Maximum video length is 2.5 minutes
– To guarantee no conflict with our existing sponsors, no advertisements or product placements are allowed to play before, during or after the video. This also means the video must NOT be monetized on the hosting site.
– Original content only. No copyrighted materials (music, images, etc.) may be used for this contest unless you own the copyright or have a license to use the material for this contest. Written permission must be obtained, and provided to BC Alpine upon request, for all copyrighted materials. (Note there are many websites out there offering royalty-free music. This can be a good place to start.)
– You grant BC Alpine the right to post your video to our website, Facebook or other social media feeds and/or use it for promotional purposes at our sole discretion.
– Video intro and/or credits should highlight the title of the video, the ski club and the names of those who contributed to the making of the video
Further questions should be directed to Bruce Goldsmid at bruceg@bcalpine.com.