Hosting grant available to all BC Clubs for events hosted between March 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026
Deadline for application is January 31
Applications can only be submitted by registered not-for-profit societies that are:
• A viaSport Designated Sport Organization (i.e., accredited, recognized, or
• Local Sport Organizations (LSOs) that are affiliated and in good standing of a
viaSport Designated Sport Organization
• BC municipality, regional district, other local government body, First Nations
community associations
• National Sport Organization (NSO), Federally or Provincially Registered Society
associated with an NSO or PSO
Only those sports that are designated under viaSport’s Designation Sport Program in BC
are eligible to be considered for Hosting BC funding. See Appendix 1 for eligible sports.
(Note: Applicants from Combative Sports must seek PSO approval or, where applicable,
BC Athletic Commissioner sanction prior to submission of their application)