New for this season, BC Alpine has created a portal for members to log in and update their contact information with us, sign the ACA waiver (Required to complete your registration this season) as well as manage other account information. In order to log in your club needs to have registered you with BC Alpine, and you must have access to the email address on record for your account.
NOTE: it is MANDATORY this year that all members sign the ACA waiver either in person and give it to the club or via this online system. Our database will be tracking all signatures and members who have not signed using one of these methods will NOT be covered by our insurance. This applies to all members, not just racers, so even if you are a parent or supporter at the club be sure to go through the steps of making sure you are covered!
The link to log in can be found under the RESOURCES tab on the BC Alpine website and is entitled "Member Info Update".