Race Results – How to find them and how to upload them on BCAlpine.com | BC Alpine Ski Association

Viewing Results: http://bcalpine.com/rss/?FEED=results
In this day and age, I hope most people have seen an RSS feed and have on their computer some way to view them. If not, ask your friends or coworkers to help show you how to as you will be amazed at the wealth of information available through them. BC Alpine has been running an RSS feed of our news feed now for about four years, and this year we will be also running an RSS feed of our posted race results. You will see the feed link on the front page of the BC Alpine website under the calendar object on the left. Keep this in your feed reader to stay on top of posted results.
Of course the results will also show up on the BC Alpine website as soon as they are posted. When you are on the BC Alpine homepage, use the pull down on the left under “BC Alpine Calendar” to navigate to a list of “Latest Results” to see what has recently been submitted.

Reporting Results: http://results.bcalpine.com
Using this results uploading page instead of emailing the results in will increase the speed in which the results will be posted to the ski racing audience as well as increase the accuracy of which the results are reported. If you are a race secretary or working with a race secretary this season please make sure this URL is well known in the race office.  You can alternatively find the link on the BC Alpine website under Points / Results Upload.