November 9th, 2016
Dear Rising Stars Athlete and Parents,
Due to unseasonably warm weather conditions, Panorama Mountain Resort is unable to host the scheduled 2016 Rising Stars camp November 19th – 27th, 2016.
The importance of this camp for both athlete and coach development is highly recognized and due to this we have decided to postpone until December 2nd – 9th, 2016. Panorama Mountain Resort expects hill operations to be ready for pre-season training on the 28th of November and we are confident by December 2nd, that we can host a successful camp.
Please see below important changes in relation to the new dates for the camp. Outside of the date changes, all other camp elements will remain the same i.e. transport details, arrival departure times, costs etc. presented in the original information document.
December 2nd – Arrival, travel to Panorama Mountain Resort. YYC airport for flights.
December 3rd – AM SG training, PM tech training
December 4th – AM SG training, PM tech training
December 5th – AM SG training, PM tech training
December 6th – AM SG training, PM tech training
December 7th – AM SG training, Dryland Testing–Invermere HS, date subject to change*
December 8th – AM SG training, PM tech training
December 9th – AM, On snow activity, PM departure. YYC airport for flights.
We recognize that some athletes have already purchased tickets based upon the original dates and hope that a flight change is able to occur so these athletes can still participate in this camp.
We hope that you take advantage of this great opportunity to associate yourself with your peers and coaches at this new scheduled time and if you have further questions in relation to the 2016 Rising Stars program, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dusan Grasic
Director Sport Domestic