BC Alpine Return to Sport 2020 Guidelines now published and ready for club use | BC Alpine Ski Association

This guideline document is accompanied by our “Example Return to Sport Plan” to allow our clubs to have what we hope is a fast and easy method to jumpstart their own Return to Sport documents and begin planning organized club activities again. The documents are available right now at https://bcalpine.com/files/Policy_Files/COVID-19/Return_to_Sport/

Please carefully read our guidelines before using our example plan to create your club’s own Return to Sport Plan. As well, please make note of another important update regarding “BC Government order protecting amateur sport from COVID-19 Liability“. 

We have also created a “Q&A for BC Alpine Return to Sport” document which we will populate with popular questions as we receive them to help provide a single point of reference for everyone. If you have any questions regarding this process please check there first. If your question is not in the document, direct it to Keven at kevend@bcalpine.com and he will do his best to find the answer for you, and also publish it in this Q&A for others to reference.