Apex serves up high quality “inspiring” races at Teck Okanagan series | BC Alpine Ski Association
Group shot above courtesy of Maria Davis Artwork & Photography

Ski racers of all ages and from across the province descended on Apex for an entertaining Teck Okanagan Zone Race last weekend (Feb. 24–25th) featuring two competitive slalom races with the Okanagan zone and qualified BC Games skiers from across the province.

Apex, Sun Peaks, Revelstoke, Vernon and the Big White ski clubs were all in attendance in the U12, U14 and U16 age categories – as well as some of the BC Games teams (Zones 2–8) – to showcase their skills and the incredible ski racing conditions at Apex Mountain Resort.

The podiums were well represented by skiers from all of the participating clubs, and results are linked below.

The BC Games makeup event ran in conjunction with the Okanagan zone races, with the BC Games qualifiers proudly representing their school zones. After the recent news that Troll Mountain was unable to host the alpine events at the BC Winter Games, BC Alpine staff kicked into high gear to change directions and find an alternate race venue.

“BC Games teams from all over the province arrived on Friday to jump into the slalom factory that was set up on the Okanagan run, with six lanes of courses and teams were treated to some of the best training they have had all year,” Crichton said.

Crichton mentioned that Apex delivered the goods, and not just in the race venue. “Diverse terrain and superb snow make for some amazing freeskiing. Add to that, the unbelievable views and friendly small resort vibe … Apex is a must visit and always delivers.”

The safe but challenging and extremely consistent tracks at Apex made for great racing. “Despite all the snow there was an awesome surface underneath that the course crew found before the first racers came out of the gate,” Crichton said.

“A short, fast T Bar from the base makes the Apex Okanagan run a fantastic race venue. When you combine that with an excellent ROC, you have a great place for ski racers to compete and excel.”

Johnny Crichton, BC Alpine VP

Saturday was sunny with consistent snow due to a slow double cut groom (thank you grooming team). A brisk wind was swirling but wasn’t really a deterrent to the great racing. By early Sunday afternoon we saw over 800 race runs perfectly executed, awards and swag given out, and a whole lot of inspired but tired, happy racers.

BC Alpine and the Apex Ski Club would like to extend their appreciation to all of the parents and coaches who worked to pull off a fun and busy weekend of racing. The club is also grateful to the efforts and support from the staff at Apex Mountain Resort which helped to ensure a successful event.